Find the menu bar at the top of the window and go to File > Save As to save your settings.

Use the two large folder menus on the top half of the Bulk Rename Utility interface and navigate to the files you want to rename.New Location (13): Make a copy of the original files, add new file names and place them in a new folder while preserving the original files.Selections (12): Specify which files and folders are displayed in Bulk Rename Utility.Extension (11): Change the file extension (ex.Numbering (10): Add numbers to file names.Append Folder Name (9): Add a folder’s name to the name of a file within that folder – you can even add the names of main folders and subfolders into the same file name.Auto Date (8): Add dates to file names (choose between date Created, Modified, Accessed, Taken, or the Current date).Add (7): Add specific words or characters to file names.Move/Copy (6): Move or copy specific words or characters to different parts of the file name.Remove (5): Specifies characters and/or words to remove.Case (4): Sets different uppercase or lowercase options for text.(3): Finds specific text and replaces it with new text. File (2): Sets rules for the existing file name (Keep, Remove or Reverse it – or specify a new Fixed name).If you don’t know the language, leave this section alone. RegEx (1): A find-and-replace tool that uses a complex computer language called Regular Expressions.Right Navigation Pane (B): A detailed list-style view of the files and folders inside of whatever’s selected in the Left Navigation Pane.Left Navigation Pane (A): A hierarchical tree-style view of computer drives and folders.What is your opinion about the Photos app? Are you impressed with its improvements in recent times? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Also, you can make slideshows, use the markup tool to decorate your photos to your liking. It has become more functional and allows you not only to relive your memories, but also to edit your photos neatly.

The photos app has really gotten better as of late. So this is the easy way to rename photos and album on iPhone and without the help of any third-party app. Read- Block Calls, Messages, Mails, and Gmail on iPhone and iPad Wrapping up You can now make a personalized folder of your special image with the desired names. you can delete the original image if you like. Then click Save and the image will be saved with the renamed name. Next tap on the name which is displayed beside the image and now you can rename the image.

Now you can create a new folder as per your like or you can use any old folder created by you. On the next options page press the ‘+’ option in the top right corner. Then in scroll down to the bottom and choose the ‘Save to Files’ option.